This is a blog dedicated to capturing the ramblings of Mike and Hannah's adventures and our attempt of living a healthy lifestyle.
Monday, January 30, 2012's been a while
Coupled with being super busy at work and the soccer schedule getting loaded up, I haven't had a chance to write up any blog entries.
So, it's something like 128 days until the North Face Endurance Challenge
Training: (I need to step it up a bit I think..)
1/16: 2.5mi - okay, couldn't get going for a 4 miler today, so a recovery run would have to do.
1/17: OFF
1/18: 3mi - easy
1/19: 4mi - 29:54
1/20: OFF
1/21: 4mi - easy - feeling calf pain and numbness in my left foot during the last 1/2 mile
1/22: 4mi - easy - feeling calf pain and numbness in my left foot during the last 1/2 mile
1/23: 3mi - easy
1/24: 4mi - 28min
1/25: OFF
1/26: OFF
1/27: 3mi - 21min
1/28: 3.1mi - 22min
1/29: OFF
**Having an issue with finding the 'flow' lately, I hope it comes back soon.
Monday, January 16, 2012
M H: 6mi Manassas Battlefield

We took Sunday off, and will be back at it this evening (Mon 1/16) with a 4 miler. Hopefully temps will warm up....running in 12F degree weather this morning just wasn't happening on a Monday. :-)
PS: Looking forward to having some tasty dinner tonight...Hannah is making Gluten Free taquitos and tortilla soup! She is getting pretty amazing at putting together gluten free meals!
Friday, January 13, 2012

Wed: Got up at 5am with the intention to go for another 4miler, but ended up taking the day off from running due to a weird feeling in my left achilles. No need to get injured.
Thurs: Hannah's birthday, so I promised her that I wouldn't wake her up with my alarm going off an hour before she needs to get out of bed. Happy Birthday Hannah!!
Fantastic Birthday Meal:
Apps: bacon wraped scallops and shirmp cocktail
Venison Medallions
Roasted Vegies (butternut squash, potatoes, red peppers, mushrooms, red onions, and carrots)
Fake Mashed Potatoes (mashed cauliflower and potatoes)
Today: No morning run...late night on Thursday celebrating, etc. So, hopefully I'll get a workout in later today, perhaps even a run.
Saturday the plan is going to be getting in a nice run at the Manassas Battlefield. I hope Hannah will want to run there too. I'd love for her to see some trails and enjoy being out running in nature. The Manassas Battlefield (Bull Run) has two main loops: 5.6 mi 1st Manassas, and a 6.4 2nd Manassas loop. I figured that this place would be an excellent location for training runs. We could get a shorter run in using one loop, and for longer runs - incorporate the other loop. Plus, not only is it only about 5 or so miles from home, I hear that it's beautiful....which would hopefully take the mind off any fatigue setting in.
Race update: I have booked my entry into the EX2 Adventure 5mi Trail Race at Hemlock Overlook Park. Who's with me?!
So, next on the agenda....
(1) Stop skipping days and get my ass running every day. :-)
(2) Schedule another race with Hannah....I need ideas.. possibly a valentine's themed one, the St. Patricks Day 8K, and/or the George Washington 10k?
'til next time....Mike, out.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
M: 4mi 31:10 (Planting Field)
Excellent run this morning through Planting Field for a 4 miler. A bit chilly at ~20F, but was pretty beautiful with the fresh snow on the ground and a full moon.
4mi 31:10 (1) ~9:30 (2-4) ~21.50
Monday, January 9, 2012
BRATS Frozen 5K - Race Day (1/8/12)
Race stats for Hannah:
There were 47 finishers in the Female 30 to 34 age group and 485 finishers in the 5K Run division. Her overall finish place was 115, and 3rd in age group, and a gender finish place of 30.
Pace: 7:57/mi
Race stats for Mike:
There were 26 finishers in the Male 30 to 34 age group and 485 finishers in the 5K Run division. My overall finish place was 113, age group finish place was 8 and gender finish place was 85. My time of 24:37.57.
Pace: 7:56/mile.
Good job!!
Next race will probably be one of the Valentine's Day titled races in Virginia. Likely, Run the One You're With 5k, but we'll see what's out there!
On a separate note, we are left out of the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon on March 17 since it just was sold out. The close date for registration was early March, and we somehow missed the boat here. So, now we're looking for another 1/2 marathon or a 10miler in the DC/MD/VA area before April 14 time-frame. Any readers out there, please suggest a race!
Bye for now....Back to training.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
M/H: 3mi 23:57 (Braddock)
Hannah and I decided to enjoy the beautiful 60 degree weather and get a nice 3 miler in, which was a nice treat since we haven't run together in about a week. Plus is was a nice tune up for our 5k on Saturday.
3mi 23:57
Race: 1/8/2012 Frozen 5K
Do it to it.
Friday, January 6, 2012
M: 3mi 21:57 (Braddock)
I managed to drag my arse out of bed again this morning with the hopes of there being another good run in store. Well, I was disappointed....I couldn't seem to get a rythem going, my breathing was off (I couldn't catch my breath), and I had some GI issues going on. But as my Dad says, any day outside running, is a good day.
3 miles in 21:57
Thursday, January 5, 2012
H: 3mi 25:53 (Gym)
M: 3mi 19:56 (Braddock)