Thursday, January 5, 2012

M: 3mi 19:56 (Braddock)

Well today was my first time in a long time that I decided to go for a run to start my day. On average, it is very difficult to get me out from the covers, so I anticipated this to be a challenge. However, since I my work schedule is a bit chaotic and there aren't more than 24hrs in a day, I figured that I had to do something to make running a priority. So, an early morning run is in order!

I managed to get up at 5am and out the door by 5:10a for a 3miler. I figured that it is best to keep my run between 2-4miles to make sure I'm not late out the door for my 1.5hr commute to work. So, there I was out the door and cruising...mainly because it was a chilly 20 degrees outside. I managed to get over the less than favorable temps and pitch darkness, by arming myself with cold weather gear (thanks to full New Balance NBx Windblocker jacket and pants) and a Petzl headlamp (great purchase! The run felt decently good, but I can tell that my body was suffering a little after taking two days off due to getting re-acclimated to the post holidays work schedule. Still suffering from a little pain in my calves and the usual creeky knees, but still managed to average a 6:50 pace; making my first AM 3miler a 19:56. If work and appetite allows, I hope to get a double in today and join Hannah this evening for a run at the gym!

Do it to it!

1 comment:

  1. A timely article:
