Wed: Got up at 5am with the intention to go for another 4miler, but ended up taking the day off from running due to a weird feeling in my left achilles. No need to get injured.
Thurs: Hannah's birthday, so I promised her that I wouldn't wake her up with my alarm going off an hour before she needs to get out of bed. Happy Birthday Hannah!!
Fantastic Birthday Meal:
Apps: bacon wraped scallops and shirmp cocktail
Venison Medallions
Roasted Vegies (butternut squash, potatoes, red peppers, mushrooms, red onions, and carrots)
Fake Mashed Potatoes (mashed cauliflower and potatoes)
Today: No morning run...late night on Thursday celebrating, etc. So, hopefully I'll get a workout in later today, perhaps even a run.
Saturday the plan is going to be getting in a nice run at the Manassas Battlefield. I hope Hannah will want to run there too. I'd love for her to see some trails and enjoy being out running in nature. The Manassas Battlefield (Bull Run) has two main loops: 5.6 mi 1st Manassas, and a 6.4 2nd Manassas loop. I figured that this place would be an excellent location for training runs. We could get a shorter run in using one loop, and for longer runs - incorporate the other loop. Plus, not only is it only about 5 or so miles from home, I hear that it's beautiful....which would hopefully take the mind off any fatigue setting in.
Race update: I have booked my entry into the EX2 Adventure 5mi Trail Race at Hemlock Overlook Park. Who's with me?!
So, next on the agenda....
(1) Stop skipping days and get my ass running every day. :-)
(2) Schedule another race with Hannah....I need ideas.. possibly a valentine's themed one, the St. Patricks Day 8K, and/or the George Washington 10k?
'til next time....Mike, out.
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